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10 Best anti wrinkle foods

10 Best Anti-wrinkle Foods

A great amount of research has gone into the development of anti-aging medications and injections. However, why go through all that expense when, using natural foods, you can manage to hold off aging for a long time, and delay wrinkle formation. If you are over 30 and want to shave off 10 years of your biological age, then here are 10 anti-aging super foods you need to try out.

  1. Stimulate collagen production

Foods that are orange in color such as carrots, pumpkin, and apricots contain beta-carotene which not only reduces the risks of contracting osteoporosis and cancer in old age, but also prevents the breakdown of collagen in your body including skin, therefore keeping wrinkles at bay.

  1. Inhibit Free Radical damage with Olive Oil

Vitamins A, E, and K are great for your eyes and skin. Virgin olive oil that has not been refined or industrially treated is particularly rich in these substances and it has a strong antioxidant effect protecting against damage from free radicals (scavenger activity) and against the formation of wrinkles.

  1. Delay aging with Omega 3

The use of Omega 3 fatty acids has been advocated for years. Omega 3 Fatty acids boost brain activity and memory. Recent research has also proven that Omega 3 rich fish such as salmon can slow down the aging process through the action of antioxidants present in the fatty acids.

  1. Get glowing with Dark Chocolate

High quality, dark chocolate contains a rich amount of cocoa and flavonoids that act as antioxidants to reduce inflammation of the skin and thus reduce the wrinkling effects of inflammatio

  1. Blueberries

Blueberries are perhaps the most popular anti-aging food in current times. They are rich in antioxidants and contain anthocyanin which has been shown to slow down the onset of Alzheimer’s. Anthocyanins also help in boosting brain activity and memory. Blueberries have also been proven to have anti-inflammatory properties which go a long way in decreasing wrinkling.

  1. Increase Lutein Tonic from Leafy Vegetables

Green leafy plants such as spinach contain, among other highly beneficial nutrients, lutein which is known to reduce and in some instances, prevent the deterioration of one’s eyesight. They are also known to prevent one’s risk of contracting heart diseases and high blood pressure. Better yet they boost metabolism as well as an individual’s immunity.

  1. Plump up Avocado

Well known for its ability to boost metabolism. Avocado contains essential fats and oils, which your body needs to improve to feed your skin, hair and nails.

  1. Go nuts for Nuts

Contain nutrients that have anti -oxidation properties as well as reducing inflammation and the risks of contracting heart diseases.

  1. Tomatoes

Contain lycopene, a nutrient that is responsible for their coloring but also highly beneficial as an anti-aging agent. Lycopene acts as a vitamin D synthesizer thus reducing the effects on the sun on one’s skin. More so, it has immune boosting properties.

  1. Protect with Pomegranates

Pomegranates are very rich in Vitamin C necessary for the production of collagen, which strengthens the skin structure. Also known to contain antioxidants which help fight off free radical damage and  reduce wrinkling of the skin.


Author Info

Dr. Khadija Hayari, ND

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